User Registration

User Registration

All registration submissions are reviewed by our site administrators. An account becomes activated once the registration is approved.

True is granting you access the True Spare Parts Portal (“Website”) for your own internal purposes and that access is not transferable to others. You are fully responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your User ID and password and must immediately notify True of any unauthorized use of your account. You agree that you will not permit under any circumstances access to or use of the Website by refrigeration manufacturers, distributors, or other persons that are competitive to True.

This site is intended for licensed commercial refrigeration technicians.

This information is collected only for the purpose of verifying each registration submission. For a full understanding of how we use your information, please view our Privacy Policy and Privacy Shield.

  • Name

  • Contact Info

  • Passwords requirements:
    Contain at least one special character and number.
    Minimum length of 10 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Medium
    Strength indicator